For over 20 years we have worked with amazing people every day. From those who choose to live with us and their families, to our care home staff and our head office team, we are all united in our aspiration to live life in colour.

We provide the safety and sanctuary of a warm and welcoming home but refuse to accept that moving into residential care means life becomes grey and dull.

Underpinned by our values of Compassion, Aspiration, Respect and Engaged (C.A.R.E), we are committed to providing the highest quality of care, with plenty of opportunities to flourish and have fun along the way.

enerations who paved the way for us and respect the fact that they still have a meaningful contribution to make to society. That’s why we are the exact opposite of what you expect from a care home. We live life in bright, unashamed, everlasting colour!

Never ones to miss out, don’t be surprised if you bump into Mark, our CEO, chatting to residents, or one of our Board members joining the day trip out – it’s this commitment to seeing what’s happening day to day that helps drive continual improvement and keeps us grounded in care.

As a not-for-profit organisation, we reinvest any surplus money into the services we offer, to serve the best interests of our residents and their families. We have no shareholders to pay and no need to charge any more than is necessary to provide the outstanding care we aspire to achieve every day.

Our Values – The way we want to work

Our approach to our services and the way we work every day is driven by our company values:


Have a heart: Be gentle, think carefully about how your behaviours affect others and treat everyone with dignity, as you would hope to be treated


Aim high: Be ambitious and think differently. Make every day better than the last and inspire others to strive for greater heights. Be outstanding and exceed all targets, objectives and compliance requirements


Be open minded: Take the time to listen properly. Understand the views and feelings of others and act accordingly


Get involved: Don’t just turn up; show up with all your skills, knowledge and determination, ready to go! Contribute to the conversation, play a part in making things better, and together make a difference

Our staff uphold our values and through their dedication and commitment, we try to ensure that everyone receives the comfort, love and dignity we all deserve to receive in later life.